Millstead Primary School adopts a holistic approach to physical development. Physical development is promoted in all areas of the curriculum throughout the school day. Children are challenged to make progress in their physical development by knowledgeable staff members. These skills may range from developing head control, learning how to roll over and sit up to refining fine motor activities and the acquisition of sports specific skills.
Physical Education- Games, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics (See PE policy)
Rebound Therapy- Using the trampoline to promote progress in many areas across the curriculum. (see Rebound Policy) |
Physiotherapy- Provide advice and support to school staff to further support physical development.
Positioning- Experienced staff work in collaboration with the physiotherapy team to ensure that children are regularly positon in different specialised equipment (if applicable). |
Physical Development @ Millstead |
Educational Visits and Cross Curricular links- PD is promoted across the curriculum, including during out of school activities. (see Educational Visits policy)
MOVE – (see MOVE policy) The MOVE programme is at the heart of the curriculum for any children that have physical difficulties, emphasise on sitting , standing and walking.
Fine motor development- The development of fine motor skills is promoted across the curriculum, including during ILS and TEACCH activities. (see TEACCH, ILS, Early Writing policy)
Swimming- Focussed sessions to develop swimming skills and to develop confidence in the water. Emphasise on communication and interaction.
Learning outside and the adventure playground – Planned activities and challenging provision promote the development of both fine and gross motor skills.
24 Hour postural care-School staff work in collaboration with the physiotherapy team and parents to ensure that 24 hour postural management plans are followed.
Hydrotherapy- Experienced staff work in collaboration with the physiotherapy team to ensure that children are regular working towards physiotherapy programmes and MOVE targets.
Horse riding- Opportunities for physical development, communication and positive interactions via riding skills and horse care.
Lunchtime Clubs- Regular lunchtime clubs promoting physical development, including MOVE, Adapted Cycles, Parent and Child swim sessions.
Sporting Events/competitions- Part of EiTC, children take part in both inter and intra sports competitions and festivals. |