Physical, Social and Health Education at Millstead School
Millstead Primary School adopts an integrated approach to Physical, Social and Mental Health (PSHE). PHSE is embedded within our curriculum, and may be integrated through short 1:1 interventions throughout the school day in addition to whole group sessions. Pupils are challenged to make progress in PHSE and are supported to do so by knowledgeable and well trained staff members.
We believe that all children should have the knowledge and skills to lead confident, safe, healthy and independent lives. They will do this by learning the skills required to:
By teaching these skills we aim for our pupils to become healthier and more independent learners.
For some pupils, skills are taught to support their emotional regulation and emotional wellbeing. Advice is sought from other services to enable teachers to plan regulation activities that have a positive impact on individual pupil’s behaviour and emotional well being. This will help them to achieve and maintain a calm, alert state, ready for learning.
The development of PSHE skills are taught across all environments, enabling pupils to consolidate their learning and transfer skills. For some children, they are provided with opportunities to apply these skills within the wider community. This in turn broadens opportunities for our pupils having a positive impact on their mental health and well-being, resulting in them having a better quality of life.