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PE Grant & Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium is used to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that school already offers and to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.


Millstead School has a hydrotherapy pool, a sports hall, a climbing wall, a trampoline room, a free-standing trampoline, a MUGA (multi-use games area) and 2 playgrounds with outdoor gym equipment and a range of apparatus to support physical development and exercise.


Pupils take part in a regular structured PE programme based around the National Curriculum. Activities include swimming, football, unihoc, tag rugby, gymnastics, dance and outdoor & adventurous activities.


Those pupils who have a physical disability take part in our successul MOVE programme to develop independent standing, sitting and walking.


Millstead pupils also take part in activities with other school and providers such as cycling, football training and tournaments, boccia tournaments and 'The Special Olympics'. Millstead is a member of the Special School Sports Partnership.


When it is apporpriate, some pupils continue to develop their skills beyond school in the lcoal community by using the local swimming pool and climbing at the hanger.



Sports Premium Strategy Statement
