At Millstead, we recognise that teaching is a tough job. It can be immensely rewarding but also physically and emotionally draining. If we want our school staff to do what is asked of them, then we need to make sure that their mental health and wellbeing is effectively supported.
The term “wellbeing” can be used to describe our holistic health, including our physical, mental and emotional health. When we have good levels of wellbeing we feel that life is in balance and that we can generally cope well. We feel motivated and engaged and are able to show resilience and “bounce back” from life’s challenges.
School staff often juggle multiple tasks and demands, so a focus on staff wellbeing has become increasingly important. Taking good care of staff both emotionally and practically helps them to perform to the best of their ability and ensures that they are better able to support pupils. Workloads, deadlines and challenging behaviours can all impact negatively on the wellbeing of school staff.
Poor mental wellbeing may impact on their ability to manage during key moments of stress in the classroom or at school. Staff who have good mental wellbeing are more likely to have the necessary resources to be able to manage and plan during or after stressful episodes whether with a pupil, a class, a colleague, an inspector or a parent.
Good staff wellbeing can have a number of benefits for Millstead School including:
■ Positive impact on pupils, including improved educational outcomes, as both staff and children and young people are more engaged
■ Increased productivity of staff members
■ Reduced absences from work in relation to sickness (both short term and long term)
■ Staff being able to manage stress better and develop healthier coping strategies
■ Improved job satisfaction, which can support retention
■ Staff feeling valued, supported and invested in.
Things that can impact on staff wellbeing and our school response:
Millstead school leaders are aware of the role they must play in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing. School leaders try to:
Millstead will sign up to the DfE 'Education Staff Wellbeing Charter'.