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Spring 1

Maple Class

Redwood Class

Elm Class

Pine and Willow Class

In Pine and Willow Class, we have been working hard on our individual targets. Our theme this half term has been “The Large Family”. We have been exploring this through class and group activities and weekly assemblies/ celebrations including our Millstead Spa in-school experience on a Friday afternoon.

Rowan Class

Rowan Class have been taking it in turns to play different instruments. It has been lovely watching them play alongside each other for longer periods of time.

Bring on the Rowan Class band!

Cedar Class

We have been exploring different emotions from the colour monster story and exploring how we can make different sound effects to go with the emotions in our music sessions.

Sean has been developing friendships in the quiet room, exploring musical instruments and making sound effects with his friends from class

Colour Monster Song

Still image for this video
Cedar class have been using the colour monster story to develop their understanding of different emotions. We have used peer massage to promote positive relationships and have used the colour monster song to support their understanding of how different emotions make us feel.

Chestnut Class

Yew Class
