Star of the week - 18th June 2021
Redwood Class - Ellie - For great work in cookery and being kind to her friends in the classroom
Rowan Class - Callum - For interacting more with staff.
Star of the week - 11th June 2021
Redwood Class - Oliver - For initiating conversations with adults
Rowan Class - Adam - For spending two afternoons in Elm Class and being very sensible.
Star of the week - 28th May 2021
Rowan Class - Joel - For using his communication book to request more things and initiate more conversations.
Star of the week - 21st May 2021
Rowan Class - Callum - For tolerating and enjoying a transition day at his new secondary school.
Redwood Class - Jayden - For showing empathy for his friends.
Star of the week - 14th May 2021
Rowan Class - Umar- For attending to work for a longer period of time.
Redwood Class - Finley - For great work in music and doing fantastic body percussion.
Star of the week - 7th May 2021
Rowan Class - Alfie - For happily settling back into school life after a few weeks off :)
Redwood Class - Matthew - For doing great artwork and following instructions.
Star of the week - 30th April 2021
Rowan Class - Bobby - For becoming more confident with independent living skills.
Redwood Class - Natalie - For trying new foods and communicating more with her teachers.
Star of the week - 23th April 2021
Rowan Class - Callum - For working really hard in sensory circuits each morning.
Redwood Class - Edward - For using kind words and sharing his toys with his friends.
Star of the week - 16th April 2021
Rowan Class - Adam - For fantastic behaviour all week!
Redwood Class - Jhanvi - For asking a teacher for help in redwood class.
Star of the week - 26th March 2021
Rowan Class - All the boys - For a very busy but enjoyable term in Rowan class. The boys have worked so hard.
Star of the week - 19th March 2021
Rowan Class - Alfie - For going over to another child when he was upset and holding his hands. This was so lovely to watch!
Redwood Class - Joshua- For being brave and sitting on the toilet for the first time in redwood class.
Star of the week - 12th March 2021
Redwood Class - Finley - For a great first week in redwood class.
Rowan Class - Leo - For taking himself outside when the classroom was loud.
Star of the week - 5th March 2021
Rowan Class - Joel - For a brilliant week continuing to use his communication book.
Redwood Class - Jacob - For trying new foods at lunchtime.
Anna - For being a kind friend.
Star of the week - 26th February 2021
Redwood Class - Jhanvi - For trying new foods at lunchtime.
Rowan Class - Umar - For s fantastic first week in Rowan Class.
Star of the week - 12th February 2021
Redwood Class - Oliver - For retelling the story of Jack and the beanstalk.
​​​​​​ Jayden - For singing confidently during wakey shake
Rowan Class - Bobby - For trying lots of new foods.
Star of the week - 5th February 2021
Redwood Class - Ellie - For doing excellent work in cookery.
Rowan Class - Joel - For using his new communication board.
Star of the week - 29th January 2021
Zinet - for initiating a walk with support
Rowan Class - Alfie - For using a finger space when writing sentences.
Star of the week - 22nd January 2021
Redwood Class - Anna - For achieving her Winstrada Grade 1 in rebound.
Oak Class - Jury - For eating independently.
Rowan Class - Adam - For following instructions.
Star of the week - 15th January 2021
Redwood Class - Edward - For being an excellent giant in our story and playing lovely with his friends.
Rowan Class - Alfie - For using his communication book to initiate his needs.
Star of the week - 8th January 2021
Redwood Class - Natalie - For settling back
into class and following her routine.
Rowan Class - Bobby - For settling back well after the Christmas holidays.
Star of the week - 11th December 2020
Chestnut Class - Kyla- For being really creative in all the Christmas art activities this week.
Redwood Class - Ellie - For doing great work in good morning and excellent phonics.
Beech Class - Jaydem - Fantastic listening all week.
Remario - Working hard all week in maths.
Rowan Class - Adam - For saying 'Well done Bobby' while on the climbing wall.
Star of the week - 4th December 2020
Chestnut Class - Ryan - For having no swimming aid in the swimming pool, and adapting very quickly without his swimming vest. Well done Ryan. We are so proud of you.
Redwood Class - Anna - For completing 3 workstation activities independently. Well done you!
Rowan Class - Callum and Alfie - For playing nicely together on the trampoline.
Beech Class - Harry - Remembering all of his lines for his role in the play.
Max - Running our class post office and posting letter to the right destination.
Star of the week - 27th November 2020
Redwood Class - Jacob - For spelling his name in the sand.
Chestnut Class - Poppy- For climbing up to 3 meters on the climbing wall.
Rowan Class - Alfie - For managing his emotions well this week.
Beech Class - Adam- Independent writing
Zac - Being a good friend to everyone
Star of the week - 20th November 2020
Redwood Class - Oliver - For speaking confidently using a big voice.
Oak Class - Ruby - For using the toilet.
Chestnut Class -Archie - For speaking- initiating conversation “hello, how are you?”
- Bobby- For confidently using his AAC device and learning new things to say.
Beech Class - Mo - Incredible maths and solving multiplication problems.
Hakeem - Writing and amazing letter to the Queen.
Pine Class - Lois - For amazing MOVE work. Lois has been sitting up with a prompt behind her and accessing activities whilst in a sitting position.
Rowan Class - Joel - For allowing a member of staff to assist him when cleaning his teeth at lunch time.
Star of the week - 13th November 2020
Rowan Class - Callum - For requesting using full sentences.
Chestnut Class - Lexi - For using a palm grip in handwriting skills and using her handwriting book making marks with meaning. Well done Lexi.
Redwood Class - Edward - For excellent sharing with his friends at rebound
Oak Class - Ruby - For using a spoon during lunchtime.
Beech Class - Harley - Incredible work all week in all areas
Adam - Being very brave
Ellis - Creating a fantastic fact file about the Queen
Grace - Logging in independently to Purple Mash
Pine Class- Amelia- For independently exploring and playing with new toys
Star of the week - 6th November 2020
Oak Class - Grace - For being brave in school this week.
Jack - For trying lots of new foods and eating well.
Chestnut Class- Kyla- For developing her handwriting skills.
Pine Class- Eslam- For independently playing with new toys.
Redwood Class - Joshua - For being brave in the swimming pool.
Star of the week - 23rd October 2020
Rowan Class - Alfie - For showing really positive behaviour this week.
Chestnut Class - Joe - For exploring purple mash.
Beech Class - Jaydem - Amazing work in maths making potions.
Mo - Making characters on Purple mash.
Alder Class - Joe - For following instructions
Pine Class - Lois - Asking an adult for a drink.
Oliver - Vocalising to an adult to get their attention.
Redwood Class - Natalie - For good work during cookery
Star of the week- 16th October 2020
Rowan Class- Adam- For another week of fantastic behaviour :)
Chestnut Class- Ryan and Aidan - For asking Who? What? How many? In snack. We are so proud of you.
Oak Class- Liliana- For joining in with good morning group independently (clapping, raising her arms and showing 1) and standing on one leg with support in Yoga.
Callum- For asking 'what's her name?' so he could ask for water from a member of staff by the sink.
Redwood Class- Matthew- For showing off his amazing attention and interaction skills in the rebound room.
Pine Class- Amelia- For using the more symbol to ask for an activity she was enjoying to carry on and for trying to get the adults' attention to turn on her favourite toy.
Beech Class - Ellis - Incredible work all week in all areas.
Star of the week- 9th October 2020
Rowan Class- Joel - For trying different foods during cookery
Chestnut Class- Archie - For understanding story using colourful semantics understanding Who? Doing? What? Where?
Bobby- For keeping himself calm when he is upset or angry, by using Mindfulness "smell the flower, blow out the candle"
Maple Class - Charlotte - for asking for help to turn her toy on using the “I need help” symbol.
Pine Class- Eslam- for amazing work in his walker and for sitting really well in his new class chair.
Beech Class - Zac - Making an amazing alternative ending to our class story.
Harry - Making an amazing alternative ending to our class story.
Star of the week- 2nd October 2020
Rowan Class- Leo - For initiating conversations using his ipad.
Beech Class - Remario - Gathering data and creating tally and bar charts.
Grace - Completing lots of writing activities independently.
Pine Class- Oliver- For independently playing with new toys and exploring new resources. Oliver has also been really interactive with his friends and staff in class this week. Well done Oliver!
Chestnut Class- Libby- For using colourful semantics Who? Doing? What? Where? in story.
Libby is understanding more questions about the story! WELL DONE.
Star of the week - 25th September 2020
Rowan Class - Adam - For listening to instructions.
Chestnut Class- Poppy and Aidan
For understanding story using colourful semantics - Who? doing? What? Where?
Pine Class- Oliver- For moving onto the next MOVE milestone
Lois- For making lots of different sounds to get the adult's attention
Eslam- For amazing work at swimming floating independently and for engaging so well in class activities
Alder Class - Joe - For using his fork to feed himself during lunch.
Star of the Week - 18th September 2020
Rowan Class - Bobby - For using the toilet!!
Chestnut Class- Lexi - For working hard in M.O.V.E
Alder Class - Muizz - For walking to forest school independently.
Pine Class- Jack- For a fantastic first week in Pine Class
Star of the week - 11th September 2020
Rowan Class - All boys - For having a fantastic first week in Rowan Class!
Chestnut Class- All Children- For having a great first week settling in and making friends!
Pine Class- Lois- For amazing work at MOVE circuits
Star of the week - 13th March 2020
Cedar Class - Jojo - For being brave and talking about his feelings!
Chestnut Class - Sam - For eating toast at the café!
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 6th March 2020
Cedar Class - Isaac - For continuing to develop his verbal communication!
Chestnut Class - Liam - For being so brave and climbing to the top of the climbing wall!
Willow Class - Eve - For enjoying her 1st swimming session of the year!
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 28th February 2020
Birch Class - Alfie - For amazing social interaction with his peers.
Cedar Class - Sky - For initiating conversations with peers and a really positive attitude for the first week back.
Chestnut Class - Aidan - For accessing and enjoying our educational visit this week!
Elm Class - Adam - For joining in activities he usually avoids, like yoga and dancing!
Holly Class - Max
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 14th February 2020
Birch Class - Eze - For recognising and labelling his peers emotions!
Chestnut Class - Hafsa - For initiating conversation and requesting sensory circuits.
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - I am brave because... -
7th February 2020
Cedar Class - Elliot - I have been dealing with my emotions. I use my emotional literacy cards for support.
Chestnut Class - Alishba - I've had the confidence and bravery to interact with other children in an unfamiliar setting.
Elm Class - Lilly - I ignored distractions in the classroom instead of allowing myself to be upset by them.
Oak Class - Jaydem - I hurt my head when I fell off the slide but I didn't make a fuss!
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 31st January 2020
Cedar Class - Issac - For making amazing progress with his social interaction skills this week! Issac struggles to give familiar adults eye contact, but at the end of the week he was able to do this with familiar and unfamiliar adults!
Chestnut Class - Zeeman - For trying new foods this week! Well done :)
Elm Class - Kendra - For always being kind and for using her knife and fork every lunchtime.
Oak Class - Oliver - For being confident in class, using his voice and answering blank level 2 questions.
Yew Class - Lewis - For beginning to communicate his wants and needs with familiar adults.
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 24th January 2020
Birch Class - Kendall - For using consistent self regulation strategies - asking for hands squeezed by an adult
Chestnut Class - Leila - For managing her behaviour this week. We are so proud of her!
Elm Class - Callum - For fantastic work in yoga.
Oak Class - Kendall - For using her voice to tell staff that she was 'hungry' at forest school
- Alex - For fantastic engagement during cookery, using the utensils independently and touching all of the ingredients.
Yew Class - Layla - For following simple verbal instructions to complete an activity.
We are so proud of you all.
Star of the week - 17th January 2020
Beech Class - Jamie - For lovely playing outside with his friends
- Brody - For building a tower with his friend Jamie this week
Cedar Class - Ryan - For sitting and completing tasks without a timer or any visual/ verbal support.
Chestnut Class - Tony - For managing behaviour so well all week!
Elm Class - Aqeeq - For engaging in literacy activities and completing them with confidence!
Maple Class - Jury - For saying apple and pointing to the symbol during story
- Poppy - For engaging in movements to music taking adults hand and moving it up and down
Redwood Class - Joel - For making a big effort to eat all his lunch throughout the week.
Oak Class - Harry - For using full sentences when requesting things and for really good behaviour all week!
Yew Class - Jake - For completing a work station activity.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 10th January 2020
Alder Class - Gordon - For communication!
Beech Class - Mia - For using her PECS book spontaneously to communicate this week.
Cedar Class - JoJo - For talking more and more this week and saying his phonics sounds aloud!
Chestnut Class - Aidan - For independently transiting off the bus and into class every morning this week!
Elm Class - Elliot - For incredible independent maths!
Holly - Matthew
Pine Class - - Lois - For being so calm and happy during swimming this week.
Redwood Class - Callum - For swimming on his front independently in the pool.
Rowan Class - Max - For swimming.
Oak Class - Lexi - For getting in and out of the swimming pool independently using the steps.
Willow Class - Laura - For excellent interaction in the swimming pool.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 13th December 2019
THE WHOLE SCHOOL - Every child at Millstead school deserves this award after a fantastic week of play performances. Everyone worked so hard learning all the dances and wearing costumes.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 19th July 2019
Alder Class - The whole class! - For a fantastic day out at Gullivers!
Beech Class - Callum - For swimming a whole length on his own!
Birch Class - Sian - For great behaviour on the school trip!
Cedar Class - Emmanuel - For being enthusiastic in wakeyshakey!
Elm Class - Alex - For using his big voice!
Yew Class - Muizz - For engaging well in a new environment on our end of year class trip!
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 12th July 2019
Beech Class - Callum - For swimming a whole length on his own!
Birch Class - The whole class! - For fantastic behaviour on the school trip!
Elm Class - Ellis - For fantastic independent Literacy work!
Yew Class - Muizz - For engaging well in a new environment on our end of year class trip!
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 21st June 2019
Alder Class - Kyla - For fantastic maths work, counting out money correctly and exchanging it with her class friends.
Birch Class - Ayman - For being such fun company at the caravan this week and for coping so well with unfamiliar surroundings
Elm Class - Hakeem - For learning to ride a bike!!
Harley - For 5 gold shields!!
Oak Class - Liliana - For showing amazing independent skills by using the toilet
Willow Class - Laura - For excellent exploration of the jelly and buried treasure with her hands.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 21st June 2019
Alder Class - Sidiki - For making his own sandcastle biscuits in cookery and eating them!!
Ash Class - Oscar - For pulling himself along and turning himself around on the scoot board!
Beech Class - . - For
Birch Class - Leo - For initiating play in the swimming pool with Sara
Cedar Class - Lillie - For being a wonderful friend and helper and teacher to her friends and the younger children
Chestnut Class - . - For
Elm Class - Matthew - For using a pincer grip for the first time!
Holly Class -. - For
Pine Class - M - For
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - Tony - For following all instructions during horse riding
Riley - For amazing maths!
Oak Class - .Grace, Ruby, Ellie and Poppy - For being absolutely amazing during our trip to the caravan!
Yew Class - Connor - For making a vocalisation for 'go' during 'ready steady go' session in rebound
Umar - For learning to use his chew to help regulate his sensory needs
Willow Class - . - For
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 14th June 2019
Alder Class - Libby - For leaving the museum calmly once it had finished, even though she was enjoying it so much!
Ash Class - .Oscar - For following instructions and finding his shoes and putting them on all by himself!
Beech Class - Callum - For amazing literacy and numeracy work
Birch Class - Ryan - For being so gorgeous! He went and got a tissue to wipe tears away from a child who was upset!
Alfie - For not wearing a pull up in school during afternoons!
Cedar Class - JoJo - For using his voice. He shouted "yes", "no" and "shoe".
Chestnut Class - . - For
Elm Class - Harley - For making it to gold shield three times this week!
Holly Class -. - For
Pine Class - Massine - For exploring our pirate treasure using his fingers and hands. For toperating his standing frame for increased periods of time.
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - . - For
Oak Class - .- For
Yew Class -.. - .
Willow Class - . - For
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 7th June 2019
Alder Class - Grace - For fantastic behaviour all week in school and for being so amazing on our class trip.
Ash Class - Max - For initiating an interaction with an unfamiliar adult to request an action. Max wanted Jane to pull him on the scoot board!
Beech Class - . - .
Birch Class - . - .
Cedar Class - .Achille - For being an amazing friend!
Chestnut Class - Sange - For saying 'camel' during our magic carpet adventure!
Elm Class - Jaydem - For fantastic symmetry work in Numeracy
Holly Class - . -
Pine Class - Jake - For tolerating a positioning well this week and for trying hard to use his hand during sensory art and exploration
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - James - For independent writing on the board
Sam - For independently creating and solving addition problems!
Oak Class - Jack - For settling back into his school routine so well :)
Yew Class -.. - .
Willow Class - Emily - For excellent exploration of some coconuts for 10 minutes.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 24th May 2019
Alder Class - Joe - For his amazing contribution during the primary spring run this Thursday! He really showed off his competitive side and ran very fast!
Ash Class - . - .
Beech Class - Jibrail - For outstanding running when representing the school at the Everton fun run!
Birch Class - Sian - For achieving her swimming target!
Cedar Class - . - For
Chestnut Class - . - For
Elm Class - Remario - For a fantastic term! Lots of hard work and able to manage his emotions so well!
Holly Class - . - For
Pine Class - . - For
Rowan Class - Liam - For working really hard during swing therapy sessions developing his pre writing skills
Redwood Class - Alishba - Following all verbal instructions during the fun run!
Liam - Fantastic first week in Redwood class!
Oak Class - . - For
Yew Class -.Bobby - For joining in with the fun run. He completed two races and was brilliant!
Willow Class - . - For Zhi Peng He for settling back to school well.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 17th May 2019
Alder Class - Logan - For being brave on our class trip this week and being willing to try new activities.
Ash Class - . - .
Beech Class - Aqueeq - For trying hard at swimming!
Birch Class - Leo - For excellent communication skills inside school and out in the community!
Cedar Class - Mustafa - For making healthy choices!
Chestnut Class - Gabriel - For excellent listening during sensory story and engaging with adults on the playground.
Elm Class - Harry - For being a great friend!
Holly Class - Sky - For independently building holly classes daily timetable.
Pine Class - Evie Kate - For engaging in lots of different activities during a full week in school!
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - . - .
Oak Class - Ellie - For fantastic speaking!
Ruby - For walking around calderstones park!
Yew Class -.Muizz - For transitioning well all week and walking to the local shop and back!
Willow Class - Eve - For asking for more massage on the trampoline.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 10th May 2019
Alder Class - Poppy - For being brave taking her medicine with Nurse James :)
Ash Class - Oscar - For being a superstar during sensory circuits and following gestural cues (point).
Beech Class - Kendra - For trying hard to programme her beebot
Birch Class - Matthew - For independently making a choice from his choice board and travelling to exchange with an adult
Cedar Class - Mustafa - For making healthy choices every day
Chestnut Class - Elliot - For requesting a break during cookery when it was too loud!
Elm Class - Max - For trying new food!
Holly Class - Hafsa - For her independent creative skills., making pirate hats and lots of different playdoh models
Pine Class - Sharma - For trying to feed herself with a spoon
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - JoJo - For independently writing his name every morning without adult prompt or support!
Oak Class - Lexi - .For great behaviour and making very good choices!
Yew Class - . - .
Willow Class - Laura - For independent sitting and good balance when 4 point kneeling on the roll
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 3rd May 2019
Alder Class - Harry - For answering a question this week - when asked what his favourite part of football was he replied 'bowling' - super communicating and using his voice!
Ash Class - Austin - For being a superstar at forest school and drinking out of a big boy cup!
Beech Class - Adam and Eva - .
Birch Class - Alfie - For riding the horse independently.
Cedar Class - . - .
Chestnut Class - . - .
Elm Class - Ellis - For fantastic behaviour in both school and at home!
Holly Class - Adam - For horse riding.
Pine Class -
Rowan Class - . - .
Redwood Class - James - For fantastic listening ALL WEEK!!! Brilliant work James!
Oak Class - Poppy - A lot more independence in the swimming pool.
Yew Class - Connor - For anticipating the routine at horse riding.
Willow Class - Charlie - For excellent head control in supported sitting when on the trampoline.
We are so proud of you all!! :)
Star of the week - 26th April 2019
Alder Class - Alex - Fantastic listening in the community.
Ash Class - Francis - For settling quickly into the school routine following the spring break.
Beech Class - Jabrail - For being helpful to others
Birch Class - Leo - For structuring sentences.
Cedar Class - Makenzie - For having great listening and positive behaviour!
Chestnut Class - Isla - Participating in play with friends and adults
Elm Class - Mohammed - For a fantastic first week back!
Holly Class - Adam - Using the word disappeared during the class story.
Pine Class -
Rowan Class - Enoch - A great first week back!
Redwood Class - Zeeman - When out in the community, Zeeman was able to follow symbols to find the correct items.
Oak Class - Ellie - A lot more independence in the swimming pool.
Yew Class - Kendall - Using lots of single words including a new word 'tiger'.
Willow Class - Louise - for having a fantastic week, accessing everything that was asked of her including swimming for the first time in 2 months and her standing frame.
We are so proud of you all!! :)