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Meet Our Governors


Name of GovernorRole                       Responsibility
Paul O'Brien

Parent Governor

Chair of Governors,

Appeals Committee


Safer Recruitment,

Managing Allegations / Complaints,

Headteacher Appraisal.

Jan Potter

LA Governor


Chair of Staffing & Finance Committee,

Health & Safety Committee,

Teaching & Learning Committee,

Disciplinary Committee

Safeguarding Governor,

Safer Recruitment,

Headteacher Appraisal.


Gary Burke

Co-opted Governor

Staffing & Finance Committee,

Disciplinary Committee

Zoey Doyle

Staff Governor

Health & Safety Committee,

Teaching & Learning Committee,

Staff Liaison
Gail Field

Parent Governor

Health & Safety Committee

Teaching & Learning Committee

Nuala Kranas

Co-opted Governor

Health & Safety Committee

Teaching & Learning Committee

Disciplinary Committee

Joseph Lynam

Co-Opted Governor

Staffing & Finance



GovernorDate of AppointmentAppointed ByBusiness / Pecuniary Interests - Academic Year 2023/2024
Paul O'Brien29.11.2000Millstead GB 
Jan Potter16.04.2014Millstead GBRelated to a school employee
Paula Judd19.04.2018Millstead GB 
Gary Burke01.09.2023Millstead GBLCC employee
Zoey Doyle23.06.2014Millstead GBAssistant Headteacher at Millstead
Gail Field9.3.2022Millstead GB 
Nuala Kranas14.7.2022Millstead GB 
Michelle Beard1.9.2009MillsteadGBRelated to school employee(s)
Joseph Lynam15.11.2023Millstead GBLCC employee/ Volunteer with Chair of Governors

