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I'm Vicky and I am the Cookery and Snack co-ordinator at Millstead.

I work across the school providing healthy snacks and cookery activities for each cohort.


Each cookery activity is process based learning and linked to each cohorts topic.

Each pupil has their own targets to work towards and are encouraged to follow visual and verbal instructions as well as developing their communication and independent living skills. As well as pupils developing new skills I will be encouraging them to have lots of fun!


The Cookery room is a Covid safe environment. Only 6 six people are allowed in the room at any time. Social distancing is adhered to and everybody who accesses the room is required to wash their hands before and after each activity.  Each pupil uses their own equipment, which is cleaned thoroughly. Each bubble has a designated day to access the cookery room.


I have a list of all pupils who have food allergies/intolerances.




Autumn 1

Welcome back!


This half term we will be focusing on Healthy Eating Week which begins on 15th September.

We will be focusing on a different target each day .

Monday: Eat more wholegrains (wholemeal toast and humous)

Tuesday: Eat more veg (carrot/cucumber sticks)

Wednesday: Drink plenty (water/juice)

Thursday: Move More (physical activity)

Friday: Be Mind Kind (mindfulness)


Autumn 2

As well as our topic based activities we will also be making some yummy Christmas goodies for our Christmas Market and to bring home as gifts.


Spring 1

This half term we are going to be busy in the cookery room.

Purple bubble and Alder from Green bubbles topic is 'Animal Boogie.'

Pine and Willow class from Pink bubbles topic is 'Once Upon a Time.'

Maple and Oak class, also from Pink bubble and Redwood from Yellow bubble' topic is Spring.

Green, Yellow and Orange bubbles topic is books by Julia Donaldson.










Spring 2

This half term is going to very busy with exciting topics going on across all of the bubbles.


Purple and Rowan Class from Purple Bubble are looking at books by the author, Nick Sharratt. Their cookery sessions will focus on cutting skills.


Yellow and Orange Bubbles are looking at books by Julia Donaldson.

The focus of their cookery sessions will be independent living skills and making delicious milkshakes.


Pine and Willow classes form Pink Bubble will be learning about Spain.

They will be making some yummy Spanish recipes. Ole!

Oak and Maple Classes from Pink Bubble's topic is Food, glorious food so we can expect some tasty treats from them this half term.

