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Yellow Bubble

Making Sausage and Bread Rockets. All ready for blast off1

Welcome to Yellow Bubble.


Our bubble is made up of three classes, Beech class, Holly class and Redwood class.


In Autumn term 1 our topic is space and we will be making space rockets using kebab sticks and yummy ingredients like strawberries, bananas, cucumber, marshmallows and cheese.

We can't wait to blast off!


Autumn 2

This half term our topic is Kings and Queens.

We will be making biscuits. Although this might sound like pupils are doing the same thing every week, the focus will be on the pupils developing the skills to help them access resources and ingredients as well as following hygiene procedures independently.


Spring 1

We hope you had a happy and healthy Christmas and  New Year.

This half term the topic for Beech and Holly class is Julia Donaldson.

Redwood class will be looking at Spring.


Home Learning


Here are some of the recipes that Yellow Bubble have enjoyed making and eating. Please feel free to have a go at home. We would love to see your cookery creations. 

