TEACCH is used at Millstead to develop our children's ability to be independent learners. . It is used in conjunction with other strategies and approaches and builds upon skills learnt in all other areas of the curriculum.
To aid receptive understanding we will use the TEACCH classroom management system including
- Use of timetables – to sequence and order daily activities
- Use of ‘work stations/places’ appropriate to need.
- Developing visual discrimination working thorough objects, photographs, pictures and symbols.
- Colour coding e.g. of schedules, place mats and personal items.
Aims of TEACCH
- To reduce stress and anxiety by removing the emphasis on understanding social language.
- To develop sequencing and matching skills in order to make transitions around the classroom/school.
- To reduce rigid repetitive behaviour’s into manageable time allocated by schedules.
- To introduce new routines to shape personal care routines
- Introduce work ethic and ethos by developing ‘on task’ time.
- Developing working systems moving left to right using ‘work’ and ‘ finished’ trays/spaces, giving a visual indicator of when a task is completed.