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REBOUND@ Millstead

Rebound Therapy is a multi-faceted approach to developing physiological, physical and communication skills.

It is taught on a trampoline providing a soft and safe environment to encourage children to try new things without fear.

The basis for Rebound Therapy is an engaging, fun and stimulating learning activity that encourages development.



Rebound @ Millstead will endeavour to:


· work with teachers, support staff,  physios and OTs towards developing  physiological, physical and communication skills.

· allow experienced trained staff to assess development and plan a range of activities and movements that will support children.

· give children confidence in their movements and coordination whilst developing fitness, spatial awareness and self-esteem;

· provide a fun and safe environment which the children enjoy and thrive on.



Benefits of Rebound Therapy

For children with Autism:

· Intensive interaction;

· Developing eye contact;

· Following simple instructions;

· Encouraging physical touch;

· Expending energy.


For children with Profound and Multiple  Learning Difficulties:

· Following a structured physiotherapy programme;

· Developing control and posture of body parts;

· Relaxation and massage.


For children with Severe Learning Difficulties:

· Intensive interaction;

· Learning a new skill;

· Following instructions and movement.


Above all having freedom and fun!



Therapeutic Effects of Rebound Therapy


On movement:

movement can be facilitated at different stages of the bounce. The most active movement takes place at the top of the bounce where acceleration of the body equals  the downthrust of gravity to allow a momentary “gravity-free” zone. A tiny body    movement can produce a large effect. Momentum and rhythm can be added to movement to help teach new skills and energise movement.


On perception:

Body image, body part awareness and positional sense are enhanced through tactile and joint      sensation. Increased perception of body image, spatial awareness combined with rhythm, and movement itself, greatly develop co-ordination. The   experience of movement into space provides an   enriched learning experience for anybody with   motor-impairment.


On communication:

Due to cardio-respiratory effects, vocalisation is increased—with exclamations and gasps. Eye      contact and concentration are enhanced by the “focus effect”.


Skills of our Rebound Therapy Staff Team


Þ Rebound staff at Millstead are extensively trained professionals with a detailed understanding of the individual needs the children they support.

Þ Staff work in collaboration with school Physiotherapists to enhance each child’s personal    programme.

Þ Staff use a wide range of resources such as; wedges, abduction bands, parachute and cushions to stimulate specific parts of the body and movement.

Þ Rebound staff train others within the school and communicate to supporting staff how they   can provide the best experience for the children.

Þ Staff continually assess, plan,  observe and evidence the progress of the children .

Þ Staff keep parents/carers fully informed of the progress made by their child.








